Maximizing Your Business Growth Without Draining Your Business Capital!

Conserve Capital

Leasing allows a business owner to keep capital free for investment or other business instead of tying up that money in fixed assets. Profits from these investments can offset the cost of the lease. A business owner does not have to own an asset to make money using it!

100% Financing

Unlike bank loans, leasing requires a minimal down payment – usually only one or two payments. Leasing allows you to finance the cost of the equipment, installation, maintenance taxes, shipping charges, and software.

Tax Advantages

Leasing offers important tax benefits that reduce the cost of obtaining equipment. Depending on the type of lease, the lessee may be able to write off the entire monthly payment as an operating expense.

Preserve Credit

Leasing provides a new source of funds for present and future needs. Keep your bank credit intact for other needs like inventory, cash flow, or expansion